Learning Overview

Please find attached on this page documents to provide you with an overview of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, and what should be included in your child's learning.  
The curriculum is divided into 17 areas and the aim is that each child reaches the Early Learning Goal in each area, by the end of the year.  Some children may be working at an earlier stage of development whilst others may be exceeding in any Early Learning Goal.  The planning of activities aims to provide opportunities for all children to make progress in all areas, depending on their stage of development.  
The characteristics of effective learning are a vital part of our observations and assessments of children: a child's learning style is indicative of how they are best able to access the learning environment, and helps to inform planning.  
As you engage in home learning with your child, you will hear, see and observe developments in their understanding across all areas of the curriculum: please capture these moments with jottings, photographs or evidence of the children's work and email me to them when you can.  In this way I will continue to be able to plan for learning opportunities that will most effectively engage your children.
NB  All Underwater Class planning continues to include the Year 1 learners, taking account of the Year 1 curriculum, and in close liaison with Bugs Class.  As with the Reception children, the Year 1 children will enjoy following their own interests and will continue to learn through play.  Please share these moments with me through photos and observations so that I can effectively include their ideas in my planning.